Fracture is a reflection upon the cultural, social, political, economic, and psychological disparities between the sister cities of El Paso and Ciudad Juárez as a result of the border condition over the past two centuries. The dorm is meant to introduce the EXPONENTIALLY increasing border issues that lead to the SEGREGATION of peoples, xenophobia, nationalism, and a disregard of human rights that in many cases leads to severe illness and DEATH. A dormitory is primarily used by people unfamiliar with the territory of the associated college, as such it is meant to exhibit this reality by placing unaffected peoples in similar situations of uncertainty and EXTREME stress. The approach to each unit involves traveling through the fracture itself and experiencing the emotional and psychological effects felt by the community which accelerates the comprehension of the border’s impact on the cities. The fractured space also seeks to represent the GRAVITY of resolving these issues and stitching the cities together.

The axonometric below describes the events and DEATHS which have contributed to the tensions at the U.S.-Mexico border. The text on the left of the exploded floor plates and fractures lays out specific political events by the United States government which RESTRICTED the flow of immigrants, deported individuals on the basis of race, and other XENOPHOBIC methods of oppression. Each figure represents a person KILLED as a result of American immigration control methods. Most DIED from lack of medical care while detained by immigration officials or were shot by border patrol.